“For the first twenty years of my artistic career, I produced screenprints depicting the life and landscapes of Australia and Antarctica. I then returned to my first love, painting, with both portrait and abstract subjects.
My stencilled dots, dashes and lines of paint build up a complex aggregation of colour and tone. These patches of colour flicker across the painting’s surface yet, in their juxtaposition, create a synthetic reality that echoes the pixellated way we see the world in the mass media.
I have studied and taught art at tertiary level in Sydney, exhibited nation wide in solo and group exhibitions, and have works in public collections including the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra. My portraits have been finalists in the national portrait competitions – the Archibald (1999, 2001), Archibald Salon des Refuses (2000, 2001, 2004, 2011), Doug Moran (2006, 2007), Portia Geach (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2012), and Shirley Hannan (2006, 2008, 2014).
In 2012 I won the Portia Geach Memorial Award with a portrait of my mother, who was also an artist and great inspiration to me.”
1952 Born in England
1960 Emigrated to Australia
1970-73 Studied at the National Art School, Sydney. Awarded the Diploma in Art (Painting) ASTC
1974-83 Designer at the Australian Museum, Sydney
1976-78 Part-time Lecturer at Alexander Mackie College, Sydney
1983 Part-time Lecturer at City Art Institute, Sydney
1984-88 Full-time Lecturer at City Art Institute, Sydney (now College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales)
Currently working full-time as an artist and designer
Sally’s studio and gallery are in the bottom of the historic Astor building in Macquarie Street, Sydney.
2021 Winner – Kennedy Art Prize
2019 Winner – Portia Geach Memorial Portrait Prize
2016 Winner – Shirley Hannan Portrait Prize
2015 Winner – Gallipoli Memorial Art Prize.
2012 Winner – Portia Geach Memorial Portrait Prize
2003 – Impressions of Antarctica, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT
2003 – Contemporary Landscape: Tasmanian Connections, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania
2003 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2004 – Archibald Salon des Refuses, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2004 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2004-05 – Masters of Fare, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra
2005 – Portrait Artists Australia Exhibition, Embassy of Australia, Washington DC, USA
2006 – Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Exhibition, State Library of NSW and tour
2006-7 – Sydney Prints: 45 years of the Sydney Printmakers, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney, and tour
2007 – Marks & Motifs: Prints from the PCA Collection, QUT Art Museum, Brisbane, and tour
2007 – IMAGinING Antarctica, John Cutin University Gallery, Perth
2007 – Doug Moran National Portrait Prize Exhibition, State Library of NSW and tour
2008 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2008 – Mrs Prime Minister, Old Parliament House, Canberra ACT
2008 – Blake Prize Exhibition, NAS Gallery, Sydney and tour
2009 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2010 – Xstrata Percival Portrait Award Exhibition, Perc Tucker Regional Gallery, Townsville, QLD
2011 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2011 – Archibald Salon des Refuses, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2011-12 – Stan+Maureen Duke Gold Coast Prize Exhibition, Gold Coast
2012 – Focus on Abstraction, Eva Breuer Art Dealer, Sydney
2012 – Portia Geach Portrait Prize Exhibition, SH Ervin Gallery, Sydney
2013 – National Photographic Portrait Prize, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, and Tour

Sally Robinson with the award winning portrait of her mother at the PAA Exhibition in Washington DC 2014
2005 – Portrait Commission – Prof John Dwyer for Prince of Wales Hospital
2006 – Portrait Commisiion – Justice Mary Gaudron for NSW Bar Assocation
2006 – Portrait Commission – Prof Sir Keith Peters, for Academy of Medical Sciences, London
2006 – Tapestry Commission for ANZ Bank by Victorian Tapestry Workshop
2007 – Portrait Commission – Regius Professor of Physic, Sir Keith Peters, for University of Cambridge, UK
2010 – Portrait Commission – Dean of Medicine, UNSW – Professor Peter Smith, for School of Medicine UNSW
2010 – Portrait Commission – Headmistress – Louise Roberts-Smith, for Ascham Girls School, Sydney
2013 – Portrait Commission – Sir Bruce Ponder – Director of CRUK Institute, Cambridge University, UK
Australian National Gallery, Canberra; National Portrait Gallery, Canberra; National Gallery of New Zealand; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; Art Gallery of NSW; National Gallery of Victoria; Art Gallery of South Australia; Queensland Art Gallery; Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston; Art Gallery of Western Australia; Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory; Parliament House, Canberra; Artbank; Fremantle Art Gallery, WA; Geelong Art Gallery, Victoria; Penrith Regional Art Gallery, NSW; New England Regional Art Gallery, NSW; Shepparton Art Centre, Victoria; Burnie Art Gallery, Tasmania; Albury Art Gallery, NSW; Wollongong Art Gallery, NSW; Benalla Art Gallery, Victoria; Warrnambool Regional Art Gallery, Victoria; Wagga Wagga City Art Gallery, NSW; Parliament House, Sydney; Australian Museum, Sydney; Australian Antarctic Division, Hobart; NSW Bar Association, Sydney; The University of New South Wales, Sydney; Sydney University, Sydney; Macquarie University, NSW; University of Western Australia, Perth; John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, Curtin University of Technology, Perth; Monash University, Victoria; University of Technology, Brisbane; University of Tasmania, Hobart; WA Institute of Technology; Queensland University of Technology; Griffith University, Queensland; Fitzroy Library, Victoria; Australian Broadcasting Commission; Broken Hill Proprietary Limited; Commonwealth Banking Corporation; Rheem Australia; Department of Public Works; Department of Veteran Affairs, Perth; Family Law Courts; Westinghouse; Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney; Westmead Hospital; Wollongong Hospital; St Vincents Hospital; IBM; C.R.A.; O.T.C. Sydney; CSR; Government Insurance Office; Warrnambool City Council; Botany City Council; Attorney Generals Department, ANZ Bank, Academy of Medical Sciences, London UK; School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge, UK; CRUK Institute, Cambridge University, UK; Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, Sydney; Sydney Philharmonia Choirs, Sydney; Ascham Girls School, Edgecliff, NSW;
4 Responses to Robinson, Sally